Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Photogram Ice Rubik's Cube

Photogram Ice Rubik's Cube, originally uploaded by muerdecabras.

This is a photogram, is a photographic image made (without a camera) by placing objects directly onto the surface of a photo-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. The result is a silhouetted image varying in darkness based on the transparency of the objects used, with areas of the paper that have not received any light appearing light and those that have appearing dark, according to the laws of photosensitivity.

Here holding my favourite Ice Rubik's Cube .

Este es un fotograma, una fotografía hecha sin cámara, colocando objetos directamente en una superficie fotosensible, como papel fotográfico y exponiéndolos a la luz de una ampliadora, el resultado es una silueta, que varia en obscuridad, basada en la transparencia de los objetos usados.